Stran 22 – KK: Dendrophilia
light installation
Križanke park
15 June−11 July 2020
Dendrophilia is a lighting installation that reveals the secret life of trees. The seemingly dead tree bark hides flows of plant sap that is created in the canopies and sent to the roots to feed the fungi in exchange for other nutrients. The millions of years of symbiosis represent the entry point of a complex network of nodes and links which not only enables the exchange of goods within the plant but also creates space for communication. The mother tree and its seedlings, as well as different types of trees in a forest, thus exchange substances, warnings and wisdom. The viewer will be shown a mixed technique of video projection and phosphorescent colours to show the invisible substances, paths and thoughts from the unknown world of these silent giants. /K. Kisilak/
Kaja Kisilak is a visual artist who often explores visual language in the broader context of various spatial manifestations. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and later continued her studies at the IADE in Lisbon, Portugal. She’s self-employed in culture and collaborates with various artists, cultural institutions and design studios. Her work covers several fields of visual arts, from design and illustration to art installations and scenography. She’s also a member of the Stran 22 collective which brings together artists from a variety of fields: from visual and performative arts, from architecture, design, music and poetry.