RogLab: Cabinet of wonders
light installation / workshop results
1st June − 17th June 2017
Cukrarna palace
OPENING: Thursday, 1st June, at 21.30
The main theme of the Cabinet of wonders project are unusual and outdated objects, interpreted using modern artistic ways of expression, digital manufactoring technologies and museum methodologies by the participants of the workshop. The mentors suggested strange, unusual or technically outdated object to children who have then made up their own stories about them and presented it in drawing, spoken word, sound or light. By doing this, they’ve mastered the use of new manufacturing technologies and electronics. The RogLab project that has connected eleven elementary school children and six mentors for six months every Thursday afternoon, helped the children enter the world of new technologies and project work, while also establishing a critical stance towards digital technologies during the pedagogical proces, and delving into the technological and cultural heritage /RogLab/
mentors: ANDREJA GOETZ has a bachelor’s degree in visual communications and works as an educator and movie animator. She’s the head of the Slon (Elephant) educational program and mentors animation workshops for children and youth. SLAVKO GLAMOČANIN initially dedicated himself to music, while now he mostly works as a programmer and multimedia explorer who collaborates with many artists as an advisor/consultant. TOMO PER is a self-taught graphic designer and computer enthusiast. He’s participated in many workshops as an assistant and mentor, while lately he’s working mostly with the RogLab manufacturing laboratory projects. ANKA ŠTULAR is an independent multidisciplinary designer who works in the field of integrated visual communications, interior design and product design. She’s received the award of the Designer’s society of Slovenia in 2016 for her work, among others. BLAŽ VURNIK achieved his doctorate at the department of history at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, otherwise he’s working as the head of custodiates at the Ljubljana City Museum, where he’s organized several acclaimed exhibitions. ANDREJ ŠTULAR (see here).
educational support: Majda Jurkovič and Nika Bobič (OŠ Toneta Čufarja)
layout designer: Anka Štular
coproducers: RogLab manufacturing laboratory (MGML), OŠ Toneta Čufarja Ljubljana and Zavod Culturemaker