name:: SOS_SMS
light installation
Stara elektrarna chimney, Slomškova street
Monday, 15 June @ 21.30
Reruns: 20. 6., 24. 6., 4. 7.
The ephemeral intervention on the chimney of the first ever Ljubljana’s power plant, a unique monument of technical heritage, is a special event for the opening of the festival: it translates SMS messages into smoke signals using the Morse code in a simple and playful way. With this, the project tackles the topic of communication, its development and use in a society.
The SOS_SMS project absurdly translates messages from the medium of modern information technology into smoke signals and thus exposes the invisible energy consumption in the mobile communications system, but it nevertheless offers its users an unusual interactive “speaking platform” for public expression. The messages are visible but thanks to the laws of nature they also visibly disappear and quickly become unclear even to those who can read the Morse code. Individuals can in this way experience how drawing attention to the consequences of the operation of modern society and changing the society for the better is not so easy as it seems. /name:/
phone number to send SMS messages: +386 69 650 702
The artist that goes by the name name: explores the graffiti subculture and the wider cultural environment through a variety of approaches by thematising the relation between legal and illegal interventions. His works are, in a conceptual sense, based on a critique of the (mis)use of public space with an emphasis on the impact and effect that such works have on the audience or on social change while they address specific political, social and economic conditions in which we currently live.
coproduction: Zavod Bunker, KUD Pina, Koda Modro Association
sponsor: Elektro Ljubljana, d. d.