MIA ZIGMUND: Come Closer
MIA ZIGMUND: Come Closer
Sound-light installation
French Revolution Square; window on the walls of Križanke // until 22 June
OPENING: Friday, 24 May, 9:30 p.m.
The stone window frame on the walls of Križanke this time hosts the project entitled Come Closer by the artist Mia Zigmund; in her placement, the effects of (i)movable image and a barely perceptible sound scape intertwine, which demands closeness and intimacy when experiencing the work of art. According to the artist, this artwork addresses everything we do not dare to talk about; she found the inspiration for it during the Covid pandemic, when it seemed as if we were all looking for a common moment and waiting for a catharsis of some sort, which, however, did not happen. The project, surrounded by indistinct whispers, prides itself on a specific visual structure, which stems from playful experimentation with light in motion and coloured matter, the foundation of which is an abstract photograph on a mirror.
MIA ZIGMUND graduated from the High school of Design and Photography (SŠOF) in Ljubljana and is currently completing her undergraduate studies at the Academy for Visual Arts in Ljubljana (AVA). She presented her works at the academy’s final study exhibitions (2022, 2023) and at the Ljubljana Short Film Festival FeKK (2022). In her work, she searches for new forms and explores various media, whereby she is interested in the symbiotic connection and creation of new wholes. Her work traverses between concrete and abstract and is frequently a reflection of the author’s experiences and views on current events.
thanx: SŠOF Ljubljana