Lorenka Stropnik: Watergram II
interactive projection
5.–17. June 2017
Ljubljanica embankment under the Novi square
OPENING: Monday, 5th June, at 21.30
Before the regulation of the river in the capitol’s centre, the water level of Ljubljanica river could reach the first houses on embankment. Today, visitors of Ljubljana can hardly imagine how was the life like next to the river before its riverbed was tamed and walkways placed along its banks. The interactive project Watergram II / Vodogram II by the architect and artist Lorenka Stropnik deals with the imaginary reconstruction of the former level of the river that today simply has no real visual and auditory contact with its immediate surroundings in the city centre. The interactive projection that reacts to the movement and density of visitors to the river raises the water level to its former height and thus intertwines the city and the river into a seductive dance of colors and shapes.
LORENKA STROPNIK (1976) finished her studies at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana. After that she was briefly employed in different architectural studios before, in 2004, she begins her independent project work with different partners on several architectural competitions and commissioned works. She’s also worked on several artistic projects and both independently and with collaborators realized several spatial installations and exhibitions. She’s received numerous professional awards and honorary mentions. She lives and works in Ljubljana.
programming: Slavko Glamočanin
video: Luka Dekleva
special thanks: Branko Vasilić