JANJA KOSI: Tree House
JANJA KOSI: Tree House
Light installation
Vegova Street 8 and 12// until 22 June
OPENING: Friday, 24 May, 9:30 p.m.
At first glance, three small tree houses on Vegova Street are a playful paraphrase of children’s playhouses that are usually found in private gardens. Janja Kosi’s houses, however, are not intended for play, but rather for reflection on architecture and perception of space; after all, they can also be understood as an ironic commentary on dreaming about one’s own property in an overpriced capital city. The artist built the houses with metal frameworks and transparent materials – peculiar collages and montages, consisting of actual architectural elements of the surrounding buildings, which the artist had previously photographed. The tree houses thus act as an appropriated mosaic of images taken from the immediate surroundings, which gain new life with the help of projected shadows and light. The new architecture, which indicates the perpetual changeability of the urban tissue, creates new fictitious spaces and, in this way, contributes to the (light) transformation of the given urban texture.
JANJA KOSI (1994) works in the fields of visual art, painting and illustration. In 2016, she graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana; in 2020, she obtained her master’s degree at the same faculty. She received the ALOU Award for outstanding creative and academic achievements for her master’s thesis. She spent part of her studies on exchange at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. Her practice is characterized by spatial placements and the integration of different media. In her work, she frequently explores concepts of (non)place, home and homeliness as well as the relationship between human and architecture. She has participated in several solo and group exhibitions, both at home and abroad.
metal design: Rok Mohar and Rajko Miladić
sponsors: Riwal d. o. o. in Javna razsvetljava d. d.