ALUO (Karin Vrbek, Bantur art collective): Transience of Timelessness, Quarantinia
video projections
ZRC SAZU windows, Novi trg
15 June−11 July 2020
This time, the window niches on the ZRC SAZU building are hosting two different projects by students of Video and new media program at Academy of Fine Arts and Desing. The first was created by Karin Vrbek who shot a series of short videos to draw attention to the issue of plastic pollution. The central role belongs to the infamous plastic bag that appears in different circumstances in the context of the four elements. The other project by the Bantur group responds to the recent situation characterized by the virus, self-isolation and the #stayathome campaign. They have created a series of videos that thematize life in the quarantine: in their videos we can observe silhouettes of people in the windows completing different everyday tasks with their numbers growing and their lives gradually merging with the interiors. The project thus offers a reflection on the new reality of life and on all unpredictable troubles that this new reality brings.
mentor: Sašo Sedlaček
Bantur art collective: Amadea Ris, Tamara Mihalič, Božidar Sekulić, Urban Klinkon, Rok Roudi and Neja Berger
KARIN VRBEK (1998) is an intermedia artist and third-year student of video and new media at the Ljubljana’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design. She focuses on ecology issues and explores the concept of biophilia and man’s attitude towards nature, so she’s interested in bioacoustics, experimental and documentary film and industrial complexes. She received the Small Veronika award in 2017 for her poetry. BANTUR art collective is a group of post-graduate students of video and new media at the ALUO in Ljubljana with members from many different artistic fields. They are exploring new possibilities for expressing critical views on current events in combination with the search for aesthetically innovative approaches as well.
coproduction: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana