ALUO: a series of projects
ALUO: a series of projects
projections, light objects, installations …
various locations
24th May–19th June 2021
Mentor: Assoc. Prof. Sašo Sedlaček and Janez Grošelj
Students of ALUO (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana) have been regular guests of the festival for many years with their study projects they are developing with their professors. This year’s selection of new projects is slightly more extensive as usual: the participants focused on different aspects of reality with their works and often dealt with its many derivations in inquisitive and critical ways.
The underground shaft in the French Revolution square is occupied this year by URŠKA SLEMENŠEK & SANGARA PERHAJ with their 3D animation of the feral fight for food. LARA ŽAGAR & VALERIJA INTIHAR with their Two Suns (This and the Other World) in the park next to Križanke thematize a postapocalyptic world. The two suns placed on trees indicate a world that is foreign to our experience; the creators aim to address our dream of inhabiting the unknown and suggest a reflection on what life could be like on an alien planet. On top of that, AJDA ZUPAN is presenting her video documentary in the Križevniška Soteska.
The premises of the former Žika tailor shop in Gosposka street are hosting the lighting installation by URŠA RAHNE titled Never Have I Ever… The project focuses on inter-partner violence: the artist is exhibiting numerous victims’ confessions and reiterpreting them with her drawing intervention. In daylight, the display symbolizes the silence and invisibility of the victims, while at night it becomes the scene of many shocking stories that tell the cruel reality of too many victims.
NIKOLA SLAVEVSKI is presenting on the staircase of the underpass in Slovenska street (underneath the Museum of Education) a short video projection that uses text and quotations to address different historical events and processes that are tied to the struggle for equality. The artist’s other project is on display in Novi square: his lighting installation titled Let’s Paint a Revolution thematizes the potential and possibility of a revolution in the present moment and requires a group action by the spectators. The Observer by EMA KOBAL on the facade of Cankarjev dom draws attention to the increasingly sophisticated techniques of control with which the orwellian Big Brother is watching us; smiling at us pretending to be in favour of us. In Foerstner’s garden, JANEZ ŠKRLEC is presenting his Phantom project with which he questions the possibilities and ways of depicting invisible creatures. The artist uses three images the shape of which depends on the colour of light, thus exploring all that we can see with our eyes closed. The idea is based on the phosphenes (those bright blinking images that we see when we close our eyes) and their connection with apparitions and illusions.
DAILY: 21.30–23.30
Coproduction: UL Academy of Fine Arts and Design; ZRC SAZU (U. Rahne project)
Sponsors: Elektro Ljubljana, d. d., Javna razsvetljava, d. d.