Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana), Department for Industrial and Unique Design: Reflection
Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana), Department for Industrial and Unique Design: Reflection
Trg Francoske revolucije (French Revolution Square), Ljubljana
23. May – 18. June 2022
light installation
mentors: Asst. Prof. Boštjan Drinovec and Assoc. Prof. Barbara Prinčič
We are all aware that we live in a capitalist society, which is far from being sustainable. As individuals we mostly don’t take responsibility for our actions. We could say we’re egocentric, each under one’s own spotlight, mesmerized by our own image and lost in trying to satisfy our material needs and desires. We live in a world where commercials and advertising boards are everywhere, we have to look at them at every step. Encouraging us, as a society, to stay the same and directing us towards particular molds of thinking.
But even though Reflection uses the exact same advertising techniques, it actually wants to achieve the opposite. In a playful and multilayered manner – swapping light, reflection, lighting and word games – the piece wants to encourage us to think about our actions and their consequences. /Tena Palijan, Satya Pene and Daša Šešerko/
Participants: Tena Palijan, Satya Pene and Daša Šešerko.
Co-produced: Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana)