6. LIKfest: The Great Eye
6. LIKfest: The Great Eye
Pionirski dom – Centre for Youth Culture, Komenskega ul. 9
23. May–23. June 2022
light installation
concept and visualization: Nina Koželj
LIKfest is a festival, primarily devoted to encourage children’s creativity in exploring innovative painting techniques. In recent years they regularly collaborate with Lighting Guerrilla and their joint project is a large light installation, set up in front of Pionirski dom. Numerous participants were given the same task: here’s a transparent ball and in it you have to depict your eye as realistically as possible. Then all the “eyes” were lit and put into a giant membrane – The Great Eye, as they called it, representing the totality of all views that were part of creating it. According to Nina Koželj who conceptually conceived the project, The Great Eye observes us incessantly, thereby transforming us into objects being observed – which has always been the children’s perspective.
participants: Primary School OŠ Danile Kumer International (mentor: Anja Podreka), Primary School OŠ Šmartno pod Šmarno goro (mentors: Renata Kern, Urška Mihevc), Primary School OŠ Jožeta Moškriča (mentor: Sabina Mattersdorfer), Primary School OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča (mentor: Mojca Ogrizek Drinovec), European School Ljubljana (mentor: Nina Bric), Primary School OŠ Vodice (mentor: Darinka Klopčič), Primary School OŠ Levstikov trg CJL (mentor: Tadeja Dolenc), Primary School OŠ Vižmarje Brod (mentor: Jasna Babič), Primary School OŠ Livada (mentor: Natalija Veselič Martinjak), Primary School OŠ Poljane, OŠ Ledina (mentor: Barbara Tacar), Primary School OŠ Nove Jarše (mentor: Kristina Božič)
Festival Director: Boris Beja
Produced by: Pionirski dom – Centre for Youth Culture