Department of Textile and Fashion Design, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering: reKONsTRUction
light installation
1st June – 17th June 2017
facade of Cukrarna palace
OPENING: Thursday, 1st June, at 21.30
Memories in textiles are present in the material itself that comes from nature or is artificial, but the path to its creation is long and complicated. Textile structures, their colors and patterns are the fruits of creative imagination, tradition and science. They’re like sparks of cultural and technological advancement, like a beam of light that enters the room through an open door and illuminates the figures of yet unseen shapes in our thoughts. The participants have transformed the archetypal textile forms, obtained with manual techniques of felting, knitting and embroidery, into a new original whole as a poetic reflection of the modern world. /artists/
participants: Gašper Gajšek, Valerija Intihar, Lovro Ivančić, Ana Janc, Petra Jerič, Katarina Marija Kmet, Klara Rešetič, Barbara Sušnik, Sonja Tomić and Lara Žagar
mentors: ass. prof. Elena Fajt & prof. Marija Jenko
coproduction: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana