Academy of Visual Arts and Design: Back to the future K67
luminous object with projections
17th May – 17th June 2017
Novi square // festival opening
OPENING: Wednesday, 17th May, at 21.30
K76, the famous kiosk designed by Saša J. Mächtig in 1966 is undoubtedly one of the major achievements of Slovenian design. Since then, the kiosk has been an integral part of the urban inventory in Ljubljana and many other cities in the former Yugoslavia. This project aims to move back in time and transfer feelings and style of bygone eras into the present. We want to inspire nostalgia, but at the same time also to create an hommage to design projects and designers who worked in Slovenia and Yugoslavia, with a collection of designer objects and movie screenings. In this kiosk, we’ve re-created the atmosphere in which ambients of home, disco and TV images of that time become intertwined. /artists/
participants: Neža Fajdiga, Manja Fürst, Eva Janeš, Mojca Krivec, Anja Leskovar, Katarina Marov, Maruša Mazej, Katja Orličnik, Eva Pestotnik, Špela Šmid, Katarina Tadina, Jera Tratar, Zala Zagoršek and Nejc Zajec.
mentor: doc. Boštjan Drinovec
coproduction: Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
special thanks: Slovenian Film Archive at the Archive of RS, Javno podjetje ljubljanska parkirišča in tržnice, d.o.o.
used film material (SFA):
Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor (Maribor Car Factory), 14’28”, Viba film Ljubljana, 1957 // Nočna pustolovščina (Night adventure), script Vitomil Zupan, director Jane Kavčič, 19’37”, Viba film Ljubljana, 1960 // Elektrika na vasi (Electricity in the village), script Marjan Cilar, 17’13”, Kinoamaterski klub Elektra Ljubljana, 1957 // Rondo, director and cript Grega Tozon, 7’37”, Viba film Ljubljana, 1981