Lighting Guerrilla: Re:Action6
Re:Action, a ‘recycled’ traveling edition of the Lighting Guerrilla festival from Ljubljana will be, alongside Kranj, hosted also in the youngest Slovenian city of Nova Gorica with a series of installations and lighting projects. Thus we’ll populate the locally well-known green area in the centre of the city, the Pine grove behind the France Bevk public library, so that an interesting trip to the origins of light will take place in the shelter of tree canopies in the grove.
The project features a selection of Slovenian and foreign artists who employ different approaches to transform the usual image of the city park. Selected works will be placed in a specific spatial context, enabling in this way a different experience of a natural habitat. These projects thus create different readings of the space, while their imaginative exposure of the role of light in both our everyday lives and in visual arts address a very wide audience.
Lina Rica: Horizontalia / Ana Brumat: Spectrum distorsio / 20.00─24.00
Sophie Guyot: 1000 luces / Kaja Avbersek & Darja Osojnik: Shine ‘n’ fly / Sabina Cernic & Janez Groselj: Tree heartbeat / Marko Crnobrnja: Trap for readers / Marko A. Kovacic: Hybaria / Jan Komárek: Ballerinas or fairies? / Katja Paternoster: Night visitors / Borut Bucinel & Miha Zupan: Car-go / Ana Brumat: Focus Laboratorium / Tim Winkler: Added Value
coproduction: Krea Association