Guyot often addresses environmental themes, treated
as metaphors for the general state of humanity. She
regularly envisions huge spatial ambients that
design-wise draw from nature and its habitats, but
her frequent use of different industrial materials
and artificial lighting introduces different
semantic coordinates. Her projects, often
monumentally big, thus recall a different perception
of nature. The latter one in her work often receives
a poetic and flawless substance that charms the
spectator and enhances his awareness of the world
around him. Her project, hosted in the Botanical
garden, presents a sea of flowers, created from
recycled plastics and fitted with LED lights, to
create an illusion of a luminous meadow. The
installation addresses the fragility of nature but
at the same time her ability to recover and
regenerate as well.
GUYOTobtained her Master's degree in art history,
but then specialized in designing light objects
and installations. She deals mainly with light,
where she's interested mostly in its spatial
manifestations. Recently she's focused mostly on
monumental installations in the urban space,
exploring the relation between man and the
biotope. She also designed an internationally
successful series of lights 'Lamp-roller',
produced in Switzerland since 1999. Her light
objects have been exhibited outdoors as well as in
gallery spaces, and her works were included in
many festivals and events. Occasionally she heads
ecological workshops for the design of light
objects and installations.