of architecture were divided in three smaller
groups, and each group picked a location in the
park to situate there their spatial installations.
These three projects deal on a formal level with
the specific realities of the chosen
microlocations, and on the substantive level with
the processes that happen in nature and with their
meaning for the modern man. Thus the first group
attempted a thematization of cyclical
transformation of energy, in nature seen mostly as
growth and metamorphosis of organic shapes. The
symbolic integration of the beginning and of the
end was executed using the designer elements like
the density of form, composition and light
intensity. The second group focused on a wall in
the garden, and deliberated about the dynamics of
relations between the built and the natural,
between culture and nature. The element of wall
and it dematerialization is employed to question
the human impact on nature, especially the ways to
minimize it. The third group is addressing a
complex issue of innumerable relations and
interactions in nature: they use a language of
symbols to indicate the discourse of
inscrutability of nature and encourage the
spectator to think about his or her relations
towards the nature and its functioning.
Cvjetković, Laura Dovč, Alin Kostiov, Urška Malič,
Sanja Milojevič, Aljaž Rudolf, Dušan Sekulić, Nik
Solina, Martina Vitlov and Andraž Žmuc