                Grgurevič in Urša Vidic: GALANTERIE MÉCANIQUE
Meta Grgurevič in Urša
                  Vidic: GALANTERIE MÉCANIQUE


“The key starting point is Modern Times, a film by Charlie Chaplin that brings a lucid and somewhat romantic critique of Fordist principles of production, which illustrates a capitalist tendency towards mechanisation in the name of increasing efficiency and profit. The mechanical character of work at the assembly line trickles into the performance, and it relates to the heritage of Russian avant-garde theatre, particularly to the principles of Vsevolod Meyerhold, a Futurist enthusiast who favoured progress and comprised it into his theatre credo: actors performed movements with mechanical exactness in a mutual synchronicity, which gave meaning to their individual roles. They became wheels of a complex scenographic machine.” (Žiga Dobnikar)


Tine Grgurevič (born in 1983) finished postgraduate studies of jazz piano at the Musical Academy in Amsterdam (in 2010). During his studies he recorded his first album Balkan Flavour (2009), and one year later the second one, Images of Reality. Since 2011 he is engaged especially in music production, and he is working on his electronic debut album Bowrain.


Choreographer and dancer Nina Fajdiga graduated from the Theatreschool - School for New Dance Development (in 2007). She has been collaborating with numerous choreographers as a dancer and performer. In 2009 she started her own independent Sugar Rush project, and one year later she won the certificate for teaching the David Zambrana techniques, Flying Low and Passing Through.


Choreographer and dancer Leja Jurišić graduated in law studies. She made a resounding dance debut with her solo performance R’z’R (2005). In tandem with Teja Reba they created Between Us (2009) and the ongoing performance Sofa (2011). She is one of the authors of the international project At Once (2012). Her most recent solo work is Ballet of Revolt (2012). 


RERUNS: 15 June at 11 pm; 21 June + 28 June at 7 pm.

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2010 2009