
In a black-colored exhibition space, there are white shapes shining on
electric paper, showing their genuine image in a black room. They
appear only
briefly, but brightly; they resemble a lightning as they vanish
What remains is but a memory of a form that is being recycled by our
brain and
reanimated as a personal variant of the original form.
In a "graphical dark room" works reduced to their formal core are
being carved into the retinas of the spectators. For a moment, the
develop a graphical echo in their minds - just as a photograph is
developed in
a dark room. That way a truly personal experience is created out of
objective forms.
Dark Room shows us the "beauty of form" that is a key element of all
the disciplines of design and is interwoven in a primordial collage as
charming experience of a graphical big bang and its echo.
The design studio Büro
Destruct was founded in 1994 in the Swiss capital
of Bern by Lopetz, HeiWid, MBrunner and H1reber. Their
motto is “Small city – big design”; their everyday’s work includes
for small and large local and international companies. Their products
signs, illustrations, book wraps and book design, record covers,
flyers, corporate identity. They specialize in typography. As
individuals, they
perform as VJ’s on various musical events. In The Dark Room they
recycled some of their creations.
Open until June 28th 2009; the Cabinet open from Tuesday – Sunday from
12:00 till 20:00.